View the current data on COVID-19 and track how the virus is spreading near your location, in your city, country or all over the world
View the current data on COVID-19 and track how the virus is spreading near your location, in your city, country or all over the world
Confirmed cases
Estimated cases
Confirmed cases
Estimated cases
Data sources: Johns Hopkins University CSSE reports; state and national government health departments, and local media reports.
Confirmed cases - include presumptive positive cases.
Estimated cases - the unofficial number of infected people.
Active cases = total confirmed - total recovered - total deaths.
Estimated for the end of the day - assumptions about the number of infected people for the end of the current day.
A strict and early lockdown in New Zealand has led to apparent success in containing the pandemic of coronavirus disease.
The first case of the infectious disease in New Zealand was reported on 28 February 2020. Since that time, the country has gone through all four levels of the country-wide alert level system, developed by officials, including the highest one. However, after the transmission rates have stayed low, New Zealand is currently moving out of the lockdown.
Even though the numbers of reported Covid-19 cases in New Zealand are low, it is still recommended to stay at home to stop the spread of the novel virus, especially if you’re sick. You should also get acquainted with the basic protective measures.
How to protect yourself from coronavirus? What are coronavirus symptoms?