Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases and news

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Global coronavirus updates, October 22, 2024 Last updated:

+179 446 yesterday

Confirmed cases

Estimated for the end of the day: n/a

Estimated cases



+1 445 yesterday


All confirmed cases New confirmed cases
All deaths New deaths
About this data

Data sources: Johns Hopkins University CSSE reports; state and national government health departments, and local media reports.

Confirmed cases - include presumptive positive cases.

Estimated cases - the unofficial number of infected people.

Active cases = total confirmed - total recovered - total deaths.

Estimated for the end of the day - assumptions about the number of infected people for the end of the current day.

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak by country

Country Confirmed cases Deaths Recovered Cases/100k pop.
USA 103 802 702 1 123 836 N/A 31 498
India 44 690 738 530 779 N/A 3 285
Italy 25 603 510 188 322 N/A 42 500
United Kingdom 24 658 705 220 721 N/A 37 117
Spain 13 770 429 119 479 N/A 29 236
Australia 11 399 460 19 574 N/A 44 416
Canada 4 617 095 51 720 N/A 12 157
New Zealand 2 236 114 2 550 N/A 44 947
Ireland 1 704 502 8 708 N/A 34 634

7 basic protective measures against COVID-19

According to The World Health Organization (WHO), these simple measures will help you protect yourself from the coronavirus and prevent the spread of the disease.

Wash your hands regularly

Scrub your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

Use hand sanitizers in the absence of handwashing facilities.

Do not touch your face

Keep your hands away from your eyes, nose, and mouth.

Stay at least one meter away from other people

Avoid sick people or crowded situations. Greet other people without shaking hands.

Stay home

Help slow the spread of COVID-19. Leave home only for essential reasons.

Cover your nose and mouth when coughing

Use a tissue and throw it out afterwards. If you don't have a tissue, sneeze into your elbow, not your hand.

If you have symptoms of COVID-19, seek medical help from a doctor

If you experience such symptoms as a cough, fever, or difficulty breathing, contact your healthcare provider to get medical advice.

Use face masks

Wear masks when visiting public places like grocery stores or public transport, especially if you are coughing or sneezing. Masks are effective at capturing respiratory droplets and help reduce the transmission of coronavirus.

5 most common symptoms of coronavirus

Watch for the main symptoms of COVID-19 that might appear 2-14 days after exposure.


Your temperature can be above 37.8 C; you can feel shivery.

Dry cough

You can cough for more than an hour or have several coughing episodes in 24 hours.

Difficulty breathing

You can unexpectedly feel out of breath, breathe harder or have trouble getting air.


You can feel tired or groggy.

Persistent aches and pains

You may have joint pain, muscle aches or persistent pressure in the chest.
If you have a high temperature, a dry cough or breathing problems, get in touch with your doctor and seek medical attention.

Coronavirus map


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