View the current data on COVID-19 and track how the virus is spreading near your location, in your city, country or all over the world
View the current data on COVID-19 and track how the virus is spreading near your location, in your city, country or all over the world
Confirmed cases
Estimated cases
Confirmed cases
Estimated cases
Confirmed cases
Estimated cases
Data sources: Johns Hopkins University CSSE reports; state and national government health departments, and local media reports.
Confirmed cases - include presumptive positive cases.
Estimated cases - the unofficial number of infected people.
Active cases = total confirmed - total recovered - total deaths.
Estimated for the end of the day - assumptions about the number of infected people for the end of the current day.
The Prince Edward Island region is fighting against coronavirus along with the whole Canada that still tries hard to slow the pandemic’s rise. As stated in the official data, nearly 57K COVID-19 positive cases have been reported as of today, along with nearly 93 deaths.
With pandemic expected to persist, people have been told to follow simple preventive measures and stay home.You should not forget about protection measures and the symptoms of coronavirus.
How to protect yourself from coronavirus? What are coronavirus symptoms?